Friday, May 29, 2009

Eating Habits may lead to Cancer, Diabetes, Obesity ...

Money is evrything to human beings living in this world which are facing the global economic massacre. But as age is catching-up; moeny is not everything.

While money can pay for medical treatment, services, medicines and health products, it does not guarantee good health

We should regard HEALTH as No. 1. But how many of us take heed of the healthy lifestyle. Only when falls sick or starts having symptons in the body, only then seek for medical check-ups.

Medical espenses are always a burden and the bills are escalating from time to time. Some do not even go for a check-up due to financial difficulties. Instead rely on pain killers, self-medication or home remedies. For those who paid by their employers; should be thankful. Certain government are generous to have clinics and hospitals where the services are almost FREE; should be smiling away.

Why people do not think whether by changing daily diet may helps to reduce and to certain extent prevent from suffering this cancer, diabetes, high cholestrol, obesity .......

Everybody should consider very seriously in taking organic food.

There's a saying "Sickness comes through the mouth".

Food consumption has a strong linkage with cancer, apart from smoking and alcohol.

Meat, eggs and dairy products are "acidic food". Vegetarian or organic food (vegetables, fruits and grains) are "alkaline food".

Studies say everyone sholud only consume 20% "acidic food" and 80% "alkaline food" in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Thursday, May 28, 2009



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Monday, April 27, 2009

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITES - grab this before its too late ....!!!!

YOU dream of becoming an ENTREPRENEUR for RAOHA COMPLEMENTARY TREATMENT CENTRE (PUSROHA) like what you can see on the left "3D Perspective Frontview" and on the right "3D Topview Perspective" .

RAOHA propose to estbalish one PUSROHA in every district in Malaysia. Visit our generous website

We are in the process of negotiating with MARA to incorporate this concept under its MENTOR/MENTEE Program.

If you are interested, kindly email to - or sms to 019 - 6278001.

8 Years Has Not Been Eating ...........why?

DANIAL has not been eating since he was born. He will only drink MILK everyday. His parents have to spend more then RM1,000.00 every month to buy MILK and PAMPERS. He is too "HYPER ACTIVE" and very "NOTORIOUS".
and was admitted to Childrens' Wad in the hospital.

Gained coverage from various media- METRO news and was "on-air" in the TV 9 program "Kopi O Nasi Lemak"

Eversince he had the treatment from Dr. Soib at RAOHA Complementary Treatment Centre, DANIAL now CAN EAT ( drink less milk)

Should you know any children having similar problems, do not hesitate to consult us at and you can witness the true treatments that we had given to him.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

OZHA Products' Ingredients

T0-date, there are 17 Products categorised as Personal Care, Cosmetics, Health Drinks and Neuciticals.

The Ingredients used in OZHA Products:

- Yaman Zizyphus HONEY
- Olive Oil
- Habbatus Sauda extracts
- Chlorophyll
- Benzonite Clays
- Bakawali
- Siwak
- Booster Salts and Alkali water

All ingredients are imported from Yaman, Pakistan, Sri Langka and middle-east countries.

Its pure, natural and safe without any drugs. "Sunnah" based on usage during the Prophet Muhamad S.A.W and other prophets' time.